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Folder Password Lock Pro 10

Folder Password Lock Pro 10

There may be times when you need an extra level of privacy in terms of data contained in the offline folder. An example might be if you share a computer with others. Folder Password Lock Pro is a good way to improve your keamananData, while still maintaining quick access by using a password. The interface is very easy to use and data can not be kept hidden from prying eyes.

UdobstvaFunktsiya Folder Password Lock Pro

In addition to offering protectionbasic passwords and other features worth disebutdalam terms of functionality. For example, it is very easy to get a folder to an external hard drive. password can be used for all areas and there is an additional useful that lets you monitor activity on a specific folder. You will be able to know any apakahData changed or deleted from the opposing prehvarlyaavtomatichno. just download a megabyte, so akanbiasanya raised the issue of memory in the control system. Installation takes a fewminutes and when it has finished Password Folder Lock Pro can be activated immediately.